What should I do if I receive a ‘STATUS MESSAGE’ while attempting to renew road tax on MyEG website?

What should I do if I receive a ‘STATUS MESSAGE’ while attempting to renew road tax on MyEG website?

Please refer table below for the list of common errors for clarification or instructions on the necessary actions.

PEMBAHARUAN LKM DIBENARKAN 2 BULAN SEBELUMRoad tax renewal is not possible because the current expiry date is more than 2 months from current date.
TIADA REKOD INSURANS YANG SAHThe vehicle insurance has yet to be renewed, or the information is not updated. If you have renewed the vehicle insurance with MYEG, click here to chat with our representative.
REKOD PEMILIK TIDAK SEPADANThe vehicle owner ID and plate number does not match. Please check the vehicle owner ID and plate number on Vehicle Ownership Certificate (VOC)
KOD BAHAN API TIDAK SAHThe fuel type is either NGV or Diesel. Renewal of road tax on the website is only applicable for vehicles with a fuel type of petrol.
TRANSACTION FOR THIS VEHICLE CANNOT BE DONE ONLINEPlease click here to chat with our representative.
TRANSACTION FOR THIS VEHICLE CANNOT BE DONE ONLINE NOWVehicle road tax unable to be renewed online. Please refer to Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan counter for further assistance.
KENDERAAN DISENARAI HITAM JPJThere is a blacklisted summons by Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan. Please refer to Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan counter for further assistance.
KENDERAAN DISENARAI HITAM SELAIN JPJThere is a blacklisted summons by Polis DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM) or local councils. Please refer to Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan counter for further assistance.
KENDERAAN DISENARAI HITAM JSJ (JABATAN SIASATAN JENAYAH)Please refer to Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah (JSP) at Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan.
TARIKH TAMAT INSURANS LEBIH AWAL DARI TARIKH TAMAT TEMPOH LKMThere is an issue with the vehicle insurance effective date. Please click here to chat with our representative.