What is ePASS?
What is ePASS?
ePASS is an electronic pass introduced to replace the physical permit for foreign workers and foreign domestic helpers(maid) in the passport.
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Can ePASS be used for travelling outside Malaysia?
There is no issue with traveling using ePASS; however, the employer may refer to Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia for further assistance.
Is the authorised company or employer personnel allowed to receive ePASS?
Yes, the appointed authorised company or employer personnel are allowed to receive ePASS.
Can ePASS be used for any official matters, such as bank or medical claims?
Yes, ePASS is an electronic pass introduced to replace the physical permit for foreign domestic helpers(maid) or foreign workers (PLKS) in the passport.
How do I obtain the ePASS validation, which may be requested by the Embassy or local authorities such as the police?
The employer can click here to obtain the ePASS validation.
How many working days will it take for the ePASS to be processed after payment is made?
It will take 7 to 14 working days for the ePASS to be issued after payment is completed.